Debt Collection Answers

by Gerri

Debt Collection Answers: How to Use Debt Collection Laws to Protect Your Rights!

Debt Collection Answers: How to Use Debt Collection Laws to Protect Your Rights!

Dealing with debt collectors? So are millions of others. In fact, anyone can find themselves getting these calls. Even if you don’t owe anything you could be getting calls from debt collectors for someone else, or you debt collection scammers could be calling!

My co-author Mary Reed and I wrote Debt Collection Answers: How to Use Debt Collection Laws to Protect Your Rights to help you figure out how to put the calls and letters demanding money behind you. We explain:

  • Negotiating with collectors when you can’t afford to pay the full debt;

  • The one thing you must do if you make a deal with a collection agency;

  • How to pay collectors (and more importantly, how not to pay them);

  • The ways some collectors commonly break the law and what you can do when they do;

  • How to deal with aggressive bill collectors;

  • Why and how you may be able to get free or low-cost help with your collection problems;

  • What you can do about collection accounts on your credit reports;

  • Why you always want to check the statute of limitations before you pay an old debt;

  • How debt collectors get paid (and why that affects what you’ll pay);
And much more!

Learn more and purchase Debt Collection Answers here.

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Jun 07, 2016
by: jay

I drive around town and see bankruptcy attorneys advertise "lose your debt, keep your stuff" I have a photo of this billboard ad from a local attorney.
What disturbs me is that all collection agencies get lumped into the scum of the earth bucket.
Yet most are attempting to collect on legit debts owed to creditors.
Its ok though for that consumer to go to Best Buy and rack up a new 65" LCD TV and a 7 channel surround sound system and comfy recliners and charge this to their Discover Card. Now we know all that will cost $5,000.00 and BB does not file a lien on any of it at the State level, but bank would if it were a used car and loan. So now mister innocent consumer (scammer) decides he has enough debt and 120 days later declares bankruptcy chapter 7 filed by the above scum advertising attorney. That attorney gets paid and can careless about mister consumer or the creditor. But because this is a revolving credit card amount no secured interest mister debtor actually absolves his Discover debt. And he gets to KEEP HIS STUFF because Best Buy already was paid by Discover so they lose out, but mister deadbeat wins and so does scum attorney for his fees. I think you need to look at both sides of the coin a little more closely. jay

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